This article first appeared on Fabrizio Fusco | Personal Health and Life Coaching | London UK - The Health and Life Coach.
Magnesium is a powerful healing mineral designed by nature; we desperately need it because the body cannot manufacture it by itself.
More than 300 chemical reactions in our body need magnesium: if we are deficient the body shuts down and we slowly die.
Magnesium has the potential to save your life
Magnesium has the potential to save your life. This affirmation is so true that naturopath Carolyn Dean named one of her books “The Magnesium Miracle “.
Not only that, Dr Mark Sircus affirms that magnesium has been used around the world to bring people back from the brink of death.
He also examines how this amazing mineral, so overlooked by the majority, affects many aspects of our health including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, asthma, inflammation, arthritis and autism.
“Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in the industrialized world today. This deficiency is the result of agricultural practices, food preparation techniques, and dietary trends. The health implications are nothing short of catastrophic.” – Dr Sircus
“Magnesium has solved more 'incurable' and 'mysterious symptoms' than any other mineral I have observed in 31 years.” – Dr. Sherry Rogers
“Magnesium chloride is one of the best-kept secrets, not only in naturopathic medicine, but also in the world of allopathic medicine where it is used in emergency rooms to save lives.” – Dr Sircus
Different forms of magnesium
Magnesium must be bound to another substance in order to be absorbed in the human body. For this reason, you can find a variety of different forms of magnesium supplements.
However, most of the supplements you see on the shelfs have been processed by Pharmaceutical Companies in the same way our food is processed. For this reason, they often contain sugar and other toxic elements.
Magnesium chloride is the most natural form, is cheap and it is well absorbed by the human body. In my experience, the results obtained have been extraordinary.
Magnesium chloride can be administrated mainly in two forms: transdermal therapy and oral administration.
In the first kind of treatment, magnesium is absorbed through the skin.
In the second option, you simply drink magnesium. Yes, it tastes bitter. But if you start to see the amazing results you will never come back.
Check out my store to find out magnesium chloride and a list of the natural supplements that I recommend.
The following are the “incurable symptoms” where magnesium chloride is most effective:
1. Migraines and headaches
Today we are chronically inflamed. This causes our body to have aches and pain. Magnesium is the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory.
I've witnessed, in my practice, how magnesium has the potential to heal excruciating migraines. People that had lost hope on life and now are free of pain and toxic medicines.
2. Heart Diseases
Today most people have cardiovascular problems. On top of that calcium is one of the most overprescribed supplements. And that's a huge problem. Because calcium hardens concrete.
Years of clinical experience proved that calcium causes plaques in the arteries and consequently heart attacks.
Magnesium, on the other hand, dissolves the plaques in the arteries.That's why it's so effective when it comes to reverse cardiovascular problems.
3. Mood swings
Anxiety, depression, mood swings can take a toll on your life, your career, and your relationships.
They are the result of depleted levels of serotonin and other vital chemicals in the brain.
Magnesium affects in a positive way neurotransmitters that are linked to both insomnia and depression.
So you feel refreshed and with a new desire to fully live.
4. Bone strength and skin problems
Bones are comprised of at least a dozen minerals and the exclusive focus on calcium supplementation is likely to worsen bone strength.
So you have thicker bones with less strength, which actually increases your risk of bone fractures.
Magnesium, on the other hand, is required in order for calcium to be absorbed into the body. It is required to build up calcium in the bones that is where calcium is supposed to be, instead of creating plaques in the arteries. This is how your bones become very strong.
Also, if you have annoying and unsightly skin rashes which make your life more difficult and sap your self-confidence, magnesium chloride has the potential to make your skin feel great and make it clearer than ever.
5. Every chronic problem
If there's only one supplement you want to take, then magnesium is the one.
More than 300 chemical reactions in our body need magnesium: that's why if we lack it the body literally shuts down and we slowly develop all kinds of chronic problems included cancer, auto-immune diseases and all sorts of “incurable” diseases.
Health is a choice
There are, actually,no incurable diseases.
This means that we have to focus on the fact that it's possible to reclaim our health if we know what to do and we're willing to do it. And it's always possible.
“Health is a choice” means to give back hope to people that risked to lose it.
Check out my store to find magnesium chloride and a list of the natural supplements that I recommend.
Also, in my FREE e-book “DNA Is Not Your Destiny” I explain just that: I want you to know that you are not victim of your genes. You are the master of your destiny.
So now, it's your choice. Make a decision. Take the challenge. It's all on you.
To learn more about how a life and health coach can help you improve your life visit Fabrizio Fusco | Personal Health and Life Coaching | London UK to find out.
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