Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Becoming Wise Means Knowing The Difference Between Wisdom vs. Knowledge

The article Becoming Wise Means Knowing The Difference Between Wisdom vs. Knowledge was originally seen on Online Health and Life Coach Fabrizio Fusco

Today everyone piles up knowledge.

That’s the function of schoolscollegesuniversities.

But does knowledge make you a free being?

Unfortunately,too often it doesn’t. Actually, all the opposite.

The real key to freedom is wisdom.

And nobody teaches you how to be wise.

So, what really is wisdom?

The information available is infinite

As little children, our true nature is to love each other, to be happy, to explore and enjoy life.

We are completely authentic. Our actions are guided solely by instinct and emotions.

Starting from the age of two, people around us program us with knowledge.

But their knowledge (or information) is just one perspective of the world.

However, we are so influenced by this knowledge that we slowly lose the capacity to perceive the world through the eyes of love.

We start to only perceive what we have learned to believe, what we’ve been programmed to believe.

In the spiritual field, the Akashic records represent any thought which has been previously thought in the history of this universe.

We can think of it as all the knowledge (or information) available on the Universe.

In other words, the information available is infinite and all pieces of information simply represent different perspectives.

“Is knowledge controlling you, or are you controlling knowledge?” – Don Miguel Ruiz

“True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” – Socrates

“No society wants you to become wise. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced in a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert their individuality. They will like to live in freedom.” – OSHO

Freedom comes with wisdom

No society really wants you to be free. Communists, fascists, capitalists, Christians, Muslims, they all repress your individuality, your creativity, your genius, your worth.

Because if people are wise, educated and intelligent they can’t be exploited and subjugated by the ones who are in power.

Schools, colleges, universities don’t teach you to become wise.

Yes, they provide knowledge. But this knowledge, often doesn’t serve you. It serves the vested interests of the men who are in power.

You need wisdom. Not just knowledge.

Wisdom needs a totally different approach. Wisdom is the flowering of your transparency, your luminous being.

wisdom vs knowledge | Fabrizio Fusco | from knowledge to wisdom

Follow the next steps to transform knowledge into wisdom and start the journey towards personal freedom.

1.Build up knowledge from different perspectives

We are in the information age. All the information we want is just one click away. Schools and universities are not the only source of knowledge anymore.

Learn form as many source as you can. Universities represent just one source of information.

As we said the amount of information available is infinite. This means that we can’t know everything about everything. All life is based on exploration, expansion, adventure, discovery, learning.

Wisdom is being aware of how little we know no matter how much knowledge we pile up.

2. Let go of the attachment to knowledge

When we pile up knowledge and we earn degrees we start to feel superior to other people.

Actually, we can’t affirm that some knowledge is true and some is false. It is subjective.

Instead we become attached to the need of being right.

We start to believe that anyone who doesn’t agree with us is wrong (especially if they have less degree than we do).

This attachment damages our lives and other people’s life.

In extreme case the attachment grows to such a level where respect is lost even for humanity. At this level people are willing to die and kill others for their beliefs.

Turn on any news station and it’s easy to see examples of attachments to this level in topics such as religion, politics, money, sex, power.

A wise person knows that building up knowledge is not enough. It is vital to let go of the attachment to being right.

We have to understand that everything is just a perspective of life. Nothing is right or wrong. Nothing makes us better o worse, superior or inferior.

Nothing can be imposed - not even help.  We can only help people that are willing to be changed. All we can do is find our own bliss giving others inspiration and permission to do the same.

3. Discern the useful knowledge

Knowledge is about adding information. Wisdom is about subtracting information. It’s the opposite.

Wisdom is an unlearning process, the unlearning of the ego’s false belief system, of the negativity, of the lack, the comparing, the separation.

It’s the process of releasing fear based beliefs and the blocks to the presence of love so that we can reconnect to our inspiration that is our inner guidance or spiritual guidance.

In other words, wisdom is the capacity of discerning all the knowledge and keeping only the pieces that add up to your personal definition of beautiful life.

4. Question everything

Wise people question everything they see or hear.

They keep asking themselves: “Is this information really useful to increase my inner peace and happiness and to make other people’s life better?”

Whenever we believe something without question, we are at risk for attachment at the most extreme level.

Don’t just believe people. Don’t believe even yourself. That voice that says you’re not enough. Don’t believe it.

Don’t believe anything that would hinder your path towards happiness and personal freedom.

Just learn to listen to yourself and everyone else. What you do with that information is up to you.

You can agree or disagree, act on it or discard it… And that depends on what you want to attract in your life.

Love is what we are born with

Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we have learned here.

Our goal must be to unlearn everything that is damaging our life and other people lives.

We must come back to the authenticity that every child owns.

We haven’t lost that capacity. It is within each of us.

In my FREE e-book Love your life I explain just that: how to love yourself once again.

Because everything starts within and self-love is the root form which everything grows.

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